

*想知道本文所列品種為何物者可以英文關鍵字 Bougainvillea 及英文品名 google一下圖片,雖不易判別但比沒有好! 


   1. Buttiana之成員分

       (1)Mrs Butt之人工及自然變異種

       (2)Mrs Butt 四倍體之雜交種及隨後之芽變種

       (3)Mrs Butt自然變種之四倍體之雜交種及隨後之芽變種

      *Buttiana這種系只包括Mrs. Butt所繁衍出的相關品種,有無包括其他光葉種與秘魯種的雜交品種??

 2. 葉形:

      (1)Mrs Butt之自然變異種仍維持原本寬短心型葉(再雜交品種仍有可能維持其原本外形)


3. 花色:


          Mrs Butt → Mrs McClean→ California Glod→ Lady Mary Baring




 4. 紅色九月/大金斑紅花/暗斑紅/覆盆子冰如屬同一家族,其紅花花色應一樣,往上推,就可找出誰是barbara karst

     Mrs.Butt*Sanderiana=Barbara Karst →

         (1)Raspberry Ice →Juanita Hatten →Hong kong Beauty →Red September

         (2)Double Delight(斑葉粉白) 來自陳濤及花木男的文章

  5. 之前我說過可由返祖花色往前找,橙與黃色品種之返祖紅可找出Mrs Butt,但泰國粉的返祖紅就要看它究竟是那種變的,是Mrs Butt的那一雜交種(真是barbara karst??)

  6. 台北紅的花色先橙或磚紅轉粉或紅,雖然Mrs. Butt的自然芽變種也有橙轉粉紅情況,但此類之葉形仍維持原本心型葉幾乎沒變,但台北紅的葉子變得更薄/更長/更大/更淡,與大紅葉明顯不同,反而更像mary palmer綠葉雙色,推想應是Mrs But或Mrs Mclean四倍體之雜交種,而After Glow又為Mrs Butt的芽變,Bois de roseu查到資料被歸入"spectoglabra"毛光雜交種,因此推斷剩下的Miss Manila可能就是台北紅



B.xButtiana(B. glabrax B. peruviana):


1. Raspberry ice/Hawaii/Strawberry Ice/Tropical Rainbow 芽變出(→)

    (1) Juanita Hatten

    (2) Red Dipline (暗斑紅/同Juanita Hatten暗斑)

    (2) Red Dragon Sirene       

2. Juanita Hatten →

   (1) Hong kong Beauty →Red September

   (2) Red Fantasy(Hujan Panas) 

3. Barbara Karst= Crimson Lake(Mrs. Butt) x Sanderiana 

    (interspecific) (J.E.Hendary, USA 1927)

    Jim Hendry initiated a hybridization programof Bougainvilleas in Florida in 1927. An outstanding cross was between 'Crimson Lake' and 'Sander' producing 'Barbara Karst'. Bracts are similar in color to 'Crimson Lake', but growth habit is more compact with flowers on stem and shoot terminals. 'Barbara Karst' has been a predominant variety in Florida, California and South Texas since 1940; Other cultivars developed include 'Betty Hendry" and 'Susan Hendry' (Menninger, E. A. 1970. Flowering Vines of the World. Hearthside Press, Inc. New York.).

4. Barbara Karst →

     (1) Double (imperial) Delight

     (2) Rainbow Gold(橙色)

     (3) Raspberry Ice

        Raspberry Ice (also known as Elaine Turner), a variegated sport of Barbara Karst

5. Chitra: Dr. B.P. Pal x Tetra Mrs. McClean

    (interspecific), (Khoshoo, Ohri & Sharma, India, 1981)

6. Poultonii (Oo-La-La/Monka)→ Rosenka→

                                                     (1)Crimson Jewel    


7. Golden Glow(Golden Queen/California Gold/Sunset/Hawaiian Gold)  

     → Lady Mary Baring/Yellow Glory/Hawaiian yellow

**Enid Lancaster 屬於不完全真花,所以不應放在這,理應是變自Louis Wathen

**另有一"brilliant golden yellow"金黃色品種叫Inca gold說是芽變自barbara karst

8. Louis Wathen (Orange glory)→ Enid Lancaster

    *Louis Wathen是不完全花, Golden Glow是正常小花,由此研判這說法是錯的, 

      Golden Glow(即加州黃金)應來自Mrs Mclean不是Louis Wathen(已與collin兄確認過)

9. Scarlet Queen →  Lilac Queen(Alick Lancaster)

10. Scarlet Queen →  Louis Wathen(但下面說是Butt的芽變,似乎是scarlet queen的芽變較可信)

11. Louis Wathen →Bhabha(variegata)



0. Mrs. Butt (Ruby/Crimson Lake)→

    (1)Mrs Mclean/Mcclean/Orange king/Hawaiian Orange/Mrs Helen Mclean:

的確是Butt芽變,其與Louis Wathen除了小花一是完全一是不完全花之差外其餘幾乎相同(心形葉橙粉)

   'Nirmal'; Bud sport of ' Mrs. McClean'; leaves variegated green with yellow patches.


    (2)Louis Wathen(New Straits Times文章說是Butt芽變發生在Madras/但另文章又說是在scarlet queen上發現的)

         小花雖是"不完全花"/但仍偶有正常"完全花",而Scarlet Queen的小花同有缺陷

    (3)Scarlet Queen:


         Mr. Percy-Lancaster gave the name 'Scarlet Queen' to this plant. He writes:

 "The coloured bracts are slightly darker than in Mrs. Butt but the actual flower is

   malformed so that instead of  there being three white or cream flowers in the

   bracts,  there are merely little bunches on anthers."

       * This variety bears purple-red bracts.  

       * it differs from Mrs Butt in having flowers that appear as if their tips have been cut off

        * 'San Diego Red' (aka 'Scarlett O'Hara' or 'Hawaiian Scarlet')

        * 'Surekha'. Bud sport of'Scarlet queen'; Leaves variegated with cream yellow patches.

    (4)Magenta Queen(Purple Queen/Mrs. Butt Magenta).....這項應有問題/這紫花不可能是butt變的!

    (5)After Glow

         'After glow' originated as a bud sport from 'Crimson Lake and has yellow to orange bracts that change to copper and salmon with age.

    (6) Rao(variegata)

    (7) Texas Dawn/Purple King/Monas

    (8) Mistress Columbine's variegated

    (0)Mahara(Manila Red)(重瓣紅)→

         (1)Roseville's Delight/Mahara Orange(重瓣橙)→ Assuie Glod

                                 Archana (斑葉橙花--有說是金邊葉/亦有說帶淡黃色斑點)

         (2)Los Banos Beauty/Mahara Pink/Tahitian Maid/Dauphine(重瓣粉) →

                                       (重瓣粉白)Cherry Blossom/Bridal Bouquet/Mahara off-white→

                                         (重瓣白)Mahara white/ Misty

            *Los Banos Beauty有四種斑葉種:(1+2)其中兩種兩種銀邊斑葉種叫Los Banos Beauty variegata(正常銀邊與梢帶捲的銀邊兩種)事由GAMMA射線促變     (3+4)也是銀變斑葉,但來自藥物促變,一種是雜紋斑一種是銀邊斑

         (3)重瓣紅斑葉有,Mahara variegata(有幾種不同斑的), Marietta(銀邊斑葉),Cinderella(white yellow edge)


*Jayalaxshmi或Jayalakshmi(印度名稱B.xbuttiana 'Mecra' seedlings)→Blue Moon


B.Glabra(B. glabra Choisy)

1.Trinidad →Shweta

   Trinidad a seedling of 'Snow Queen'

2.Dr. H.B. Singh = Trinidad x Formosa (intraspecific), (IIHR, Bangalore, India, 1979)

3.Singapore Beauty/Silhouette →

                    (1)Singapore white/Miss Alice

                    (2)Singapore Beauty Variegata/Magnificant Barry  

4.Elizabeth Angus/Purple Queen(Moneth)   → Elizabeth Angus Vaiegata/Hati-Gadis( Malay cultivar name)


6.Dream,John Lattin

6.Jennifer Fernie印度叫 Mudanna





1.Princess Margaret Rose/Lady Hudson(1935)

2.Ecuador Pink (1820) (厄瓜多爾)

3.Papelillo (北祕魯對九重葛稱呼)


B.x SpectoPeruviana:

1Mrs. H. C. Buck/Mahatma Gandhi(即雙色之紅花品種) = 1940s

秘魯種 "Princess Margaret Rose(Lady Hudson)"與毛葉種'Splendens'雜交後代

    ** 能追蹤到毛葉種這'Splendens’品種具體名稱不容易**

2. Mrs. H. C. Buck(雙色紅Mary Palmer /Snow Cap/Surprise (綠葉雙色)

                                → Soundarya(洋紅斑葉種)             

3. Mary Palmer/Snow Cap/Surprise(美國專利名)/(綠葉雙色)

   (1) Shubra/Shubhra/ Mary Palmer's Enchantment/ Penelope(雙色之白花):

   (2) Harlequin/Vicky/thimma(金心雙色)

   (3) Aiskrim/Makris/Ice Cream(紅心櫻花/花寶巾)→ Magic Ice Cream

4. Shubra White/Shubhra(雙色白)的四倍體=Dr. B.P. Pal

5. Chitra(畫報/列入Buttiana)=

   Tetra Mrs. McClean(Buttiana種之橙色品種四倍體)xDr. B.P. Pal (雙色白四倍體)

6. Mary Palmer Special(三倍體):

  Dr. B.P. Pal(四倍體)xPrinces Margaret Rose (二倍體)

        (intraspecific), (Zadoo and Khoshoo,India, 1974)  Bracts bicoloured magenta and white

7.Begum Sikander

          Hybrid seedling of 'Dr B.P. Pal' x 'Dr B.P. Pal' x 'Jennifer Fernie', aneuploid (2n 3x-2=49); bracts bicoloured with magenta margin and parchment white centre/restricted growth 

8.Wajid Ali Shah:

The cultivar is evolved as hybrid of ‘Dr.B.P.Pal and ‘Mrs.Chico’. Hybrid is evolved by Zadoo and Khoshoo from National Botanic Garden, Lucknow in the year 1977. Plant is triploid in nature and its chromosome number is 2n=2x=51. Plant growth is intermediate. Juvanile leaves are coppery. Mature leaves are green and their shape is ovate. It blooms profusely during winters. Inflorescence develops at the end of branch. Bracts are bicolour. Irregular patches of parchment white and rosein purple spread all over the surface of bracts. The bracts are non persistence in nature

*至於口紅原認為是綠葉雙色中分離出來的/是否就是上述begum sikander我不知道/如不是那有可能就是大陸藏花閣花友藍心那種花苞像口紅/葉子卻像畫報者(如是!那大陸常見的口紅就只是mary palmer)


 很多人其实不知道 Spectoperuviana品种是有正统的全斑叶芽变种。

大家熟悉的洋红公主 Mrs H. C Buck 早在1976年就有全斑叶芽变种, Vishakha (绿和白斑叶的品种)。 之后还有另一个斑叶品种 Soundarya, 全在印度。纯白色的Shubra就有全斑叶 Golden Summer这个斑叶芽变种。

我们非常喜欢的金心双色在印度也还有其它另外两种全斑叶的品种:1. Mataji Agnihotri, 1982年的芽变种, 有和香港丽人相似的斑叶, 金黄色的叶片中间夹带着青绿色, 和我们喜欢的金心是刚刚好掉反的。 2. Muni Venkatappa, 绿和白的斑叶品种。

大家喜欢的绿叶红樱当然除了 Magic Icecream这个斑叶版本之外 (其实这个Magic Icecream是金心红樱的进化版), 其实在印度还有至少两个全斑叶种。


B. Spectabilis(B. spectabilis Willde­now)


  The cultivar 'Lateritia' has brick-red bracts that are showy in full bloom but is difficult to propagate from cuttings




Spectoglabra(B. glabraxB. spectabil)

1. Bois de rose



1. ‘Thomasii’ x ‘Glabra’’=Tomato Red

2. ‘Thomasii’ x ‘Louise Wathen’’ =Dr. R. R. Pal

    ‘Thomasii’ x ‘Louise Wathen’’ =’Spring Festival’

    ‘Thomasii’ x ‘Louise Wathen’’=Summer Time’

     (interspecific), (Dr.B.P. Pal, India 1959)


3.Blondie=Delicate=Fair Lady=Hugh Evans

4.Partha=Indian Flame=Lemmer's Special

   夏威夷大學文章: 1942 第一個光葉與秘魯雜交種,是buttiana種之forerunner

5. Palekar

6. Isobel Greensmith (collin兄:小金///粉雀其实就是Isobel Greensmith的芽变种)


*Some of the popular Bougainvillea cultivars developed in India are Dr.R.R.Pal, Mary Palmer, Princess Margaret Rose, Shubra, Scarlet Queen, Louise wathen, Enid Lancaster, Scarlet Glory, Mrs.H.C.Buck, Partha, Trinidad, Sachidananda, Srinivasa, Dr.B.P.Pal, Wajid Ali Shah. Begum Sikander, Mary Palmer Special, Spring Festival, Rao etc. 

*Cross-compatibility relationships of Bougainvillea 'Mrs. H.C. Buck' family with its supposed parents have been determined. The S-alleles governing incompatibility of B. spectabilis cv. Splendens are dominant over those of B. peruviana cv. Princess Margaret Rose. 'Princess Margaret Rose' crosses successfully with 'Splendens' and derivatives of 'Mrs. H.C. Buck' while 'Splendens' crosses only with 'Princess Margaret Rose' and fails to cross with any of the cultivars of 'Mrs. H.C. Buck' family, indicating that the allele determining self-incompatibility of 'Splendens' is similar to that of 'Mrs. H.C. Buck' family, the former being one of the parents of the latter. The percentage was also experimentally substantiated by raising the hybrid between 'Princess Margaret Rose' and 'Splendens' and comparing it for morphological and biochemical characters [pigment pattern] with 'Mrs. H.C. Buck'.

(Zadoo S.N., 1979: Cyto genetics of cultivated bougainvilleas part 8 cross compatibility relationships and origin of bougainvillea mrs h c buck family.Zeitschrift Fuer Pflanzenzuechtung: 182-186)

*Bougainvillea spectabilis was introduced to Britain from Peru in 1829.  [MB p.51/1845].  As B. splendens it was introduced to Britain in 1848.  [JD].

*Bougainvillea Six new cultivars of bougainvillea have been named and released. A colchicine-induced mutant with bright magenta bracts has been isolated from cv 'Zakariana'. A number of promising seedlings and bud sprouts with variegated leaves are under evaluation. (ornamental horticulture in india)

'Chitravati'. A hybrid of'Lalbaugh' x 'Red Glory'. Plants drooping with large thorns; leaves light green, pubescent, medium elliptic to cordate ovate; bracts mandarin red, medium elliptic with acute tip, persistent. Released in 1979.

'Dr H.B. Singh'. A hybrid of 'Trinidad' x 'Formosa'. Leaves dark-green, glabrous, elliptic, with acute tip; bracts violet purple, medium to big, cordate. Released in 1977.

'lawaharlal Nehru'. A spontaneous mutant of cv 'Lalbaugh'. Plants vigorous with compact growth habit; leaves variegated; moderately floriferous; bracts claret rose fading to orange red. Released in 1975.

'Purple Wonder'. A hybrid of 'Formosa' x 'Trinidad'. Plants erect with compact growth habit; leaves dark green pubescent, medium-size and elliptical; bracts violet purple, medium, ovate to elliptic and persistent. Released in 1979. ,

'Sholay'. A seedling selection of cv 'Red Glory'. Plants moderately vigorous; leaves dull-green, pubescent and of medium size; bracts delft rose, medium-size, hairy and elliptical, borne all along the branches. Released in 1977.

'Usha'. A seedling selection of cv 'Lady Hope'. Plants moderately vigorous, with erect habit; leaves dark-green, pubescent; flowering profuse, bracts magenta fading to mandarin red, hairy, borne all along the branches. Released in 1977.


The following outstanding cultivars (Bud sports) of Bougainvillea have
been evolved:
'Shubhra'. Bud sport of 'Mary Palmer'; bracts parchnlent white, profuse
'Dr B.P. Pal' Tetraploid of'Shubhra'; bracts parchment white, seed bearing
due to induced fertility.
'Tetra Mrs McClean'. Tetraploid of 'Mrs. McClean'; Bracts brunt orange,
seed bearing due to induced fertility.
'Begum Sikander'. Hybrid seedling of 'Dr B.P. Pal' x 'Dr B.P. Pal' x
'Jennifer Fernie', aneuploid (2n 3x-2=49); bracts bicoloured with magenta
margin and parchment white centre/restricted growth.
'Mary Palmer Special'. Hybrid seedling of ' Dr B.P. Pal" x 'Princess Margaret
Rose\ Triploid (2n= 3x=51); Bracts bicoloured magenta and white.
'Chitra'. Hybrid seedling 'Tetra Mrs McClean' x Dr B.P. Pal'; bract
multicoloured magenta, parchment white and orange.
'Archana'. Bud sport of 'Roseville's Delight'; Leaves variegated.
'WajidAli Shah'. Hybrid of<DrB.P. Pae x 'Mrs. Chico' and is a triploid (2n
= 3x = 51), with irregular blotches of rose in purple and parchment white.
'Shweta'. Bud sport of 'Trinidad'; bracts reflexed, greenish white.
'Parthasarthy'. Bud sport of 'Partba'; Foliage variegated, variegation
'Sure.kha'. Bud sport of'Scarlet queen'; Leaves variegated with cream yellow
'Nirmal'; Bud sport of ' Mrs. McClean'; leaves variegated green with yellow


 *Hybridization Bougainvillea. Progress in bougainvillea breeding has been hampered aU over the world largely because of the extensive pollen and! or seed sterility. The choice of female and male parents is limited only to the few relatively fertile types which, more often are not good cultivars. After detailed studies of the reasons for sterility, fertility was restored by colchiploidy. This enabled immediate broad-basing of germplasms by inclusion of such cultivars in breeding programme that were otherwise very useful but so far out of reach of bougainvillea breeders all over the world. Following the method outlined here, there are now available seeded counterparts of several sterile but very popular varieties like 'B.P. Pal' from 'Sbubhra' and 'Tetra Mrs McClean' from 'Mrs McClean'. These have been used to raise a number of very promising, colourful, and floriferous often bicoloured hybrid varieties at triploid, tetraploid and aneuploid levels. Some of these are ideal for pot culture. Special mention may be made of ' Begum Sikander', 'Wajid 24 ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE IN INDIA Ali Shah', and 'Mary Palmer Special'. This work has also led to the development of varieties with blotched bracts as in 'Chitra' resulting from 4x 'Mrs Cleans' (2n= 68) x 'Dr B.P. Pal' (2n=68) (Zadoo, 1974; Zadoo et al., 1975; Sharma and Ohri, 1982).

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