An Analysis of the Function of the Leaf in the Process of Root Formation in Cuttings
J. van Overbeek, Solon A. Gordon and Luis E. Gregory
American Journal of Botany
The combined action of auxin and factors coming from the leaves is essential for root formation in cuttings (fig. 1, 2, 3, 4). The leaves exert their influence in the dark as well as in the light (fig. 5). In red hibiscus the root-forming factors of the leaves can be entirely replaced by sucrose and nitrogenous substances (fig. 3, 6, 8). Quantitative chemical analyses show that these substances are actually contributed to the cuttings by the leaves (fig. 9, 10, 11). It is, therefore, concluded that the main function of leaves in the process of root initiation is to supply the cutting with sugars and nitrogenous substances, factors which may be termed nutritional. There is no a priori reason to postulate the production of a special root-forming substance such as "rhizocaline" in the leaves of red hibiscus. In red hibiscus cuttings, after treatment with auxin in conjunction with leaves or with suitable carbohydrate and nitrogen sources, roots were found to originate in the secondary phloem in the ray parenchyma.
Effects of Nutrients and Light on Growth and Root Formation in Pisum sativum Cuttings
Cuttings obtained from seedlings of Pisum sativum L. were rooted in water solution. Shoot growth continued after excision and shoot length increased considerably before roots emerged. Increase in dry weight was strongly dependent on light supply. Continued growth was dependent on supply of mineral nutrients to the rooting solution.
Mineral nutrients had no or slight influence on the number of roots formed on cuttings from stock plants grown in fertilized soil, but the growth in length of the roots was dependent on the presence of calcium in the solution. Root formation was dependent on photosynthetic products formed after excision. No roots were formed on cuttings kept in the dark. The number of roots increased with increasing irradiance given to the leafy part of the cutting. At a low level of irradiance sucrose supply through the rooting medium increased the number of roots. Light given to the basal part of the cuttings had a strongly inhibitory effect on the number of roots formed. It is concluded that the carbohydrate level easily becomes a limiting factor for root formation in growing pea cuttings. Availability of mineral nutrients influences in the first place the growth of the shoots.